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Quite often, the states of this great country have very corny and inaccurate slogans, or slogans that are just lazy. “Pure Michigan.” “I Love New York.” “Vermont, … more
What was once a sore sight for perfectly fine eyes is now a sight for sore eyes. That space between the Dunlap Community Development Corp. building and Bonsall TV & Appliance is now worth … more
Some history on Magnolia Old Settlers Some of you may already know this history, but I think it's cool. I've only been here for a couple years and this is my column, so please allow me to rehash … more
This year was the first time in a very long time that I had not spent the Fourth of July up in Clear Lake, Iowa. It was the first time ever that I had not celebrated it with much of my family. I … more
Cottonwoods glistened in the sunshine. The unfailing click of the windmill, the mamas calling to their new babies in the pastures and the twitter of a happy robin blended in the gentle South Dakota … more
Disgraceful. That’s the best way to describe the travesty of the Iowa Utility Board’s decision to greenlight the Summit Carbon Solutions pipeline on Tuesday, June 25. Disgraceful. … more
According to reporting from the Harlan Tribune in its June 18 edition, Elk Horn facilities recently went into lockdown due to an incident involving a child. Elk Horn pool staff was … more
Lately, I've been trying to do a better job of living in the moment and being grateful for all of the people and places in my life that have had an impact on me. The hardest part is including … more
Long ago in a faraway land there lived an Empress. One late winter day she strolled through her garden. The bleak, colorless landscape disappointed her deeply, so she issued an imperial decree: … more
As many artists I love get older, and some of them stop touring altogether, it's always special for me when I'm able to go and see a performer or group that I enjoy. In the past, I've had the … more
“ I wonder if the northerns will be biting.” Delmer could barely contain his excitement. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision. The final field was planted. Corn, oats and wheat seeds were … more
I ventured out to the movie theater and saw “Civil War” last week. I enjoyed it, but not because I'm super paranoid about another civil war happening in the U.S., or even particularly … more
A penny saved is a penny earned…It all adds up…Every little bit helps. They were simple, everyday sayings. They were life philosophies. They were the way we were brought up. So, growing … more
The couple made their way through the dry prairie grass from the neighboring wagon. Fina smiled a welcome. “Come sit by the fire. I’ll put the coffee on to boil.” Thankful she had … more
I was recently watching “There's Something About Mary,” the Farrelly brothers directed movie starring Ben Stiller and Cameron Diaz that came out in 1998. A significant cameo that … more
A little late for Ag Week, but here we go. As I sit here tonight I’m reflecting on the situation I was in seven years ago. I was working a job that I loved but was taking its toll on me. I … more
On a balmy February afternoon, I succumbed to the nagging temptation. I could not help myself. Just inside my garden fence I scratched in small patches of seeds—lettuce, spinach and radishes. … more
Last Thursday, I had the opportunity to sit down with Sue Cates, who currently runs JC’s Dairy Den with her husband, Jim, and Jeanie Botos, whose mother, Jennie Hiller, built and opened the … more
I had the opportunity to snap a couple photos at the ribbon cutting for West Law Office last week, and while I was there a few things happened that meant more to me than people probably know. … more
Voters have busy lives — families to care for, jobs demanding their attention, bills to worry about.  So, they can be forgiven if they do not closely track their government … more
There it was! —the loose white thread in the corner. A “rrriiipp” resounded through the garage as I tugged the string. Just like that, the fifty-pound bag of chicken feed gaped … more
I recently rewatched one of my favorite movies and was reminded just exactly why this movie is in my top 10. My favorite release of 2022, “She Said,” gave power back to women, such as … more
The wind whispered outside the kitchen window as it carved a new signature into the gentle peaks next to the house. Tomorrow would mean shoveling out in the farm yard, but tonight we were safe and … more
These days, with political campaigns that seem to go on forever, Iowans may not recognize the significance of what occurred at polling places across the state on Nov. 5, 1968. Voters approved an … more
For many people, movies are not exactly something that they enjoy. I come across many people that enjoy watching documentaries. So for this week, I wanted to talk about my favorite documentary … more
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