Reporter Rewind

Week of March 24 - 30



An important business deal was made in Dunlap last Thursday, when R. W. Robertson disposed of his creamery to Will Luebben of Lincoln, Nebraska, Mr. Luebben taking immediate possession.

Mr. Luebben comes here with over twenty years of experience in the creamery business and expects to continue the business along the same line as did Mr. Robertson.

Mr. Luebben expects to arrive here this week from Lincoln.

Just what the Robertsons expect to do, they do not as yet know, but they will continue to make Dunlap their home for the present at least. We regret to see these people leave our community and trust that they will decide to stay in Dunlap.

To Mr. Luebben and his wife we extend the heartiest welcome and we trust that their new business venture will be one of pleasant dealings and prosperity.


A Dunlap girls' 4-H club was organized March 2 under the direction of Allene Latta, Harrison county home economist. The club has been named the Dunlap Busy Bees and now has 24 members.

The first project this year will be home furnishings. Later in the summer the group expects to have much fun going to the fair, camping and entering exhibits on rally day. The girls hope to add to their treasury by money for prizes for the exhibits if they should win and also by selling home furnishings they soon plan to make.

The following officers were chosen at the third meeting of the club: president, Wanda McCord; vice president, Janice O'Day; secretary, Jane Millard; reporter and historian; Mary Jane Weed.


Dunlap student received four I's and eight II's at the state speech contest at Valley High School in Des Moines, Saturday, March 23. Mary Houston rated I in two events, expository address and interpretive poetry. Carol Moore rated I in book reviewing. Diane Weber rated I in dramatic acting. The following received II ratings: Jim Sherwood in oratory; Diane Grote and Diane Weber in interpretive poetry; Melanie Handke, Elizabeth McAllister, and Mike Assmann in after dinner speaking; Rhonda Corey in expository address; and Greg McCord in interpretive prose.


Thirty-three Boyer Valley seniors and eight sponsors left Sunday on a trip to Washington D.C. (pictured).


Thirteen girls and three leaders from the Boyer Valley Girl Scout Troop 163 traveled to Des Moines last Thursday, March 20, to join other Girl Scouts from Iowa for a day at the State Capitol and the State Historical Museum.

The girls watched both the Senate and the House of Representatives sessions, met with Rep. Jason Schultz, learned the process of passing a new law, and toured both the capitol and the museum. They were even treated to a “cookie break.”

The girls were especially impressed that Rep. Schultz, from Schleswig, could take time out of his schedule to meet with them and answer their questions. Elizabeth Cary, Abby Davie, Emma Dunahm, Jessica Fokken, Jaiden Garrett, Marie Hanigan, Madisen Henkel, Sarah Lantz, Anna Meyer, Meghan Meyer, Hannah Neemann, Kylie Petersen and Chelsea Willis were accompanied by Lynnette Dunham, Sheila Hanigan and Kari Meyer.