Harrison County Supervisors Meeting November 16, 2023 Chairman John Straight called the meeting to order with members Tony Smith and Brian Rife in attendance. The tentative agenda was approved on a …


Harrison County Supervisors Meeting November 16, 2023 Chairman John Straight called the meeting to order with members Tony Smith and Brian Rife in attendance. The tentative agenda was approved on a motion by Smith, second by Rife. Motion carried. Previous minutes were approved on a motion by Smith, second by Rife. Motion carried. Attendance: Auditor Susan Bonham, Ashley West, Rebecca Wilkerson, David Weigelt, Steven Struble Bank Reconciliation Treasurer Shelia Phillips presented October bank reconciliations for property taxes and auto to the Board for review. No action required. Tax Sale Assignment Treasurer Phillips presented a tax sale assignment agreement to the Board. The assignment would be to Valley View Homeowners Association in the amount of $127. Motion to approve by Rife, second by Smith. Motion carried. Excess County Property County Attorney Ashley West-Joons reviewed the actions needed if the Board wanted to dispose of any excess property. County Attorney Ms West-Joons informed the Board that she has temporarily set up office space in the Missouri Valley School’s District Office and is working with Dave Reisz to make accommodations in his building located at 204 E Erie in Missouri Valley. Zoning Zoning Administrator Matt Pitt presented the Sisson County Ridge minor subdivision plat for the Board to approve and sign. Motion by Smith, second by Rife to approve the plat. Motion carried. Mr. Pitt reported that there were no responses on the RFP to update the County’s comprehensive land use plan and zoning ordinances. The Board would like to get wind and solar ordinances written and approved as well as work on any current zoning ordinances that need cleaned up. Mr. Pitt will work with the zoning commission members on these ordinances. Engineer County Engineer Steven Struble met with the Board and gave them updates on the following projects: 194th Street Bridge at Kendrick over Allen Creek – Contractor has made good progress in this past week. They installed the deadman piling, anchor beams and rods, and backfilled around the deadmen. Morgan #3 Bridge on K45 north of Mondamin – Final modifications and review of the bridge plans were made by Engineer Struble. Bridge will be replaced by a culvert between IDNR Wildlife Mgmt Area and UP railroad right of way. Engineer Struble discussed the proposed partial vacation of the streets/alleys in Orson with the Board. The Board set Thursday, November 30th at 9:30 a.m. for the public hearing on this proposed vacation on a motion by Rife, second by Smith. Motion carried. The Board approved the following resolution on a motion by Rife, second by Smith. Motion carried. Resolution WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 321.255 and 321.236 of the 2022 code of Iowa, the Board of Supervisors and County Engineer are empowered to designate the location and erection of stop and yield signs on roads under their jurisdiction as they may deem necessary to regulate, warn, or guide traffic and to carry out the provisions of the Code of Iowa or local traffic ordinances. WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors recognizes the need for placement of appropriate signs and relative appurtenances in accordance with the AASHTO Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices to facilitate the safe and efficient movement of traffic and recognizes that traffic flow and conditions change over time making the removal of said signs necessary as well. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the following traffic control devices be set to control traffic or be removed: REMOVE one STOP sign (R1-1), at the following location: Westbound on 210th Street at Tama Trail INSTALL one STOP sign (R1-1), at the following location: Southbound on Tama Trail at 210th Street. The above resolution was read by Supervisor Rife, who moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Smith, where upon the Resolution was adopted by the vote of the Board of Supervisors of Harrison County, Iowa this 16th day of November, 2023. The adoption of this Resolution hereby rescinds any conflicting previous Resolution. Post-Election Audit Auditor Bonham reported that the post-election audit was performed on the mayor’s race for the city of Pisgah. The audit was conducted in the presence of Wayne Bahr, Toni Waite, Megan Reffett and Taryn Wegner. The audit balanced correctly with the election night reporting. Handwritten Warrant A handwritten warrant to US Bank in the amount of $8,450.79 was approved on a motion by Smith, second by Rife. Motion carried. County-Issued Credit Card A county-issued credit card for Ashley West-Joons was approved on a motion by Rife, second by Smith. Motion carried. Urban Renewal Report Auditor Bonham presented the County’s urban renewal report. Motion to approve by Smith, second by Rife. Motion carried. Magnolia Zoning Notice Dave Weigelt reviewed a zoning request to allow a dog boarding business at 787 Third Street in Magnolia. The Board had no response either for or against this request. With business of the day completed, the Board adjourned on a motion by Smith, second by Rife. Motion carried. ATTEST: Susan Bonham, Auditor John Straight, Chairman November 20, 2023 Chairman John Straight called the meeting to order with members Tony Smith and Brian Rife in attendance. Motion to approve the tentative agenda was made by Rife, second by Smith. Motion carried. Attendance: Auditor Susan Bonham, Paul J. Rhoten, Aaron Witthauer, Brandy Witthauer, Wayne D. Maguire Election 2nd Tier Canvass Auditor Bonham presented the combined election results for Missouri Valley CSD, West Harrison CSD, and the Woodbine CSD as these school districts lie in other counties and Harrison County is considered the control county. Abstracts and certificates were signed. Motion to approve as presented was made by Smith, second by Rife. Motion carried. Landfill’s Local Government Guarantee The Board reviewed the amended local government guarantee for the Landfill. Original guarantee was approved on May 18, 2023. Motion to approve by Rife, second by Smith. Motion carried. Vienna Avenue Wayne Maguire met with the Board and County Engineer Steven Struble to discuss Vienna Avenue. The culvert is covered and silted full and not able to drain the water. Jerry Maguire had an agreement with the past engineer to fix an uncrossable ditch, remove the trees and make a dam. Both agree that the natural flow is across the Maguire land. Wayne said that the east ditch is plugged which caused the culvert to get silted in and not allowing the water flow its natural course. After much discussion, the Board told Engineer Struble to have the box culvert cleaned out. Claims Claims, as presented, were stamped allowed. Comments Member Rife said that he attended the McNeill drainage district walkthrough. The seeding didn’t take very well so they may consider hydroseeding next spring. Paul Rhoten asked if the County Attorney had found office space. With business of the day completed, the Board adjourned on a motion by Smith, second by Rife. Motion carried. ATTEST: Susan Bonham, Auditor John Straight, Chairman NOTE: These minutes are as recorded by the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors and are subject to Board approval at the next regular meeting. MVTN 11-29-23 TDR 11-30-23