HARRISON COUNTY CLAIMS - FEBRUARY 2024 ADP, Service Contracts, 48.78 Agriland FS, Lubricants, 11628.85 Agriland FS, Other, 1620.00 Ahlers & Cooney PC, Meals & Lodging, 88.20 Ahlers & Cooney PC, Miscellaneous, 4047.00 Ahlers & Cooney PC, Service Contracts, 58.80 All Makes, Data Processing Supplies, 77.52 Allied Oil & Tire, Engineering Services, 515.03 Juanita Alvarez, Autopsy & Coroner Expense, 200.00 American Textile Mills, Engineering Services, 573.72 Anatomy IT LLC, Data Processing Services, 485.44 Asphalt Paving Assoc of Iowa, Educational & Training, 1035.00 AT&T, Telephone, 210.88 Barco, Minor MV Parts & Accessor, 15285.00 Baum Hydraulics, Minor MV Parts & Accessor, 390.61 Ron Bell, Officers Salaries, 4011.00 Connie Betts, Employee Mileage & Subs, 25.00 Bi-State Motor Parts, Engineering Services, 207.14 Big Valley Tree Clearing, Park Land Development, 4725.00 Bill's Water Conditioning, Water Use, 303.80 Blum Trucking, Cover Aggregate & Sand, 4912.80 Susan Bonham, Meals & Lodging, 18.96 Bonine Garage Doors, Building Maintenance, 3897.35 Boruff Plumbing, Equipment Repair & Mainte, 221.17 Boyer View Trucking, Cover Aggregate & Sand, 20777.15 Michael J Branstetter, Employee Group Ins, 166.66 Madelyn Brunow, Employee Group Ins, 166.66 Careficient, Computer Updates, 2667.38 Mark L Carrigan, Safety Items, 190.09 Cash Consulting LLC, Service Contracts, 1005.60 CenTec Cast Metal Products, Grave Markers & Care Of, 1288.44 CenturyLink, Electric Light & Power, 86.89 CenturyLink, Telephone, 333.08 Certified Laboratories, Engineering Services, 239.42 Cheryl Smith Cleaning Service, Building Maintenance, 825.00 Christian Home Assoc, Sheltered Care, 419.85 Laurie Christo, Employee Group Ins, 166.66 City of Little Sioux, Utilities Payments, 120.67 City of Logan, Utilities Payments, 968.25 Clark Pest & Termite Control, Extermination Services, 45.00 Colonial Life & Accident Insur, Full Time Laborers Salary, 9.00 Control Services, Equipment Repair & Mainte, 4106.10 Farner Bocken, Food & Provisions, 2163.39 Country Hardware and Supply, Buildings (Rent), 13.31 Country Hardware and Supply, Custodial Supplies, 55.97 Country Hardware and Supply, Electric Light & Power, 84.31 Country Hardware and Supply, Engineering Services, 95.95 Country Hardware and Supply, Environmental Ed/Awards, 10.68 Country Hardware and Supply, Minor MV Parts & Accessor, 84.03 Country Hardware and Supply, Office Supplies, 72.29 Country Hardware and Supply, Radio & Related Equipment, 21.99 Country Hardware and Supply, Recreational Supplies, 57.74 Country Hardware and Supply, Safety Items, 11.99 Creative Product Sourcing, Educational & Training, 175.38 Kim M Crispin, Office Supplies, 212.13 Cutler O'Neill Funeral Homes, Funeral Services, 2000.00 Daniel Derengowski, Employee Group & Life Ins, 166.66 Christina Dickinson, Employee Mileage & Subs, 68.34 Christina Dickinson, Office Supplies, 50.00 District IV Recorders, Dues & Memberships, 100.00 Double B Trash Service LLC, Service Contracts, 63.00 Dunlap Reporter, Board Proceedings, 1865.01 Dunlap Reporter, Conference Board, 44.64 Dunlap Reporter, Legal Notice, 179.41 Eby Drug, Prescription Medicine, 151.84 Eco Water Systems, Service Contracts, 204.00 Debra R Eickholt, Employee Mileage & Subs, 230.88 Trisha Ellison, Meals & Lodging, 70.00 Trisha Ellison, Mileage, 180.90 EMS Learning Resources Center, Continuing Education, 46.00 ESRI, Data Processing Services, 3610.00 Etter Glass, Outside Repair Service, 1690.00 Timothy D Faylor, Minor MV Parts & Accessor, 166.85 First Wireless, Radio & Related Equipment, 100.00 Mitchell W Flaherty, Employee Group Ins, 166.66 Force, America, Minor MV Parts & Accessor, 1152.91 Brittany N Freet, Employee Group Ins, 166.66 G & R Nifty Lawns, Agricultural/Horticulture, 2145.40 Galls, Wearing Apparel & Uniform, 125.98 Gawley Tire & Repair, Tires & Tubes, 3323.00 General Fire and Safety Omaha, Personal Items & Clothing, 12288.00 Gochenour Brothers Farms, Cover Aggregate & Sand, 20323.07 GOVCO Inc, Flood & Erosion Constr St, 37081.95 Carl D Hall, Retirement Medical Benefi, 259.36 Cadence Harkless, Employee Group Ins, 166.66 Teresa Harper, Employee Mileage & Subs, 36.38 Harrison County Auditor, Employee Group Ins, 766.13 Harrison County Auditor, Retirement Medical Benefi, 9193.60 Harrison County Landfill, Dues & Memberships, 13847.00 Harrison County REC, Electric Light & Power, 6240.74 Harrison County Secondary Road, Fuel & Oil, 1040.00 Harrison County Secondary Road, Motor Vehicle Repair, 280.00 Harrison County Secondary Road, Tires & Tubes, 80.00 Harrison County Sheriff, Miscellaneous, 86000.00 HEALTHCAREfirst Wells Fargo, Service Contracts, 106.00 Eclipse Healthcare, Deputies Salaries, 9352.82 Heartland Auto Body, Motor Vehicle Repair, 200.00 Heartland Auto Body, Outside Repair Service, 1054.50 Heartland Co-op, Electric Light & Power, 7552.92 Heartland Co-op, Miscellaneous, 540.35 Heartland Tires & Treads, Tires & Tubes, 966.90 Hennessey Funeral Home, Autopsy & Coroner Expense, 1000.00 HGM Assoc, Engineering Services, 13920.36 Rene Hiller, Employee Group Ins, 166.66 HiTouch Business Services, Office Equipment, 93.20 HiTouch Business Services, Office Supplies, 41.81 Carmen Holman, Employee Mileage & Subs, 83.62 Home Town Hardware, Electrical Supplies & Par, 385.11 Home Town Hardware, Minor Equip & Hand Tools, 26.99 Home Town Hardware, Plumbing & Heating Suppli, 31.52 Home Town Hardware, Recreational Supplies, 149.95 Hotsy Equipment, Outside Repair Service, 2203.11 Hutchinson Salt Company, Cover Aggregate & Sand, 6875.57 Tammy M Hutchinson, Employee Group Ins, 166.66 Interstate Battery System of S, Minor MV Parts & Accessor, 406.95 ICAP, Real Property Insurance, 140.00 Iowa DARE Association, Dues & Memberships, 100.00 Iowa Dept of Public Safety, Miscellaneous, 8376.00 Iowa Dept of Transportation, Electric Apparatus & Acce, 311.00 Iowa State Assoc of Counties, Continuing Education, 210.00 Iowa St Medical Examiner, Autopsy & Coroner Expense, 7042.00 Jack's Uniforms & Equipment, Wearing Apparel & Uniform, 2020.62 Jeff Meyer Storage, Service Contracts, 480.00 John Day Company, Safety Items, 544.89 John Deere Financial, Fuel & Oil, 3584.54 John Deere Financial, Park Land Development, 479.99 Randy L Jones, Employee Group Ins, 166.66 JR Roofing, Building Maintenance, 9396.90 Jason Knickman, Employee Group Ins , 166.66 Lawson Products, Engineering Services, 14.80 Lawson Products, Minor MV Parts & Accessor, 112.05 Elizabeth Lenz, Employee Group Ins , 166.66 Loftus Htg & Air Conditioning, Miscellaneous, 218.00 Loftus Htg & Air Conditioning, Outside Repair Service, 123.00 Logan Auto Supply, Engineering Services, 49.14 Logan Auto Supply, Minor MV Parts & Accessor, 886.05 Logan Auto Supply, Motor Vehicle Repair, 53.75 Logan Postmaster, Postage, 100.00 Logan Super Foods, Environmental Ed/Awards, 220.09 Logan Super Foods, Food & Provisions, 2796.85 Logo'd Up, Wearing Apparel & Uniform, 444.00 Long Lines, Telephone, 181.67 Jill Madsen, Custodial Services, 379.32 Mail Services, DOT Renewal Notices, 698.81 Mainstay Systems, Office & Data Processing, 306.50 The Master's Touch, Postage, 5500.00 Matheson Tri-Gas, Shop Equipment, 1692.21 Amanda M MayBee, Employee Group Ins, 166.66 Amanda M MayBee, Employee Mileage & Subs, 123.21 Medline Industries, Health Supplies & Equipme, 676.52 Tabitha Melby, Employee Group Ins, 166.66 Menards, Building, 163.76 Lacey Michel, Employee Group Ins, 166.66 Lacey Michel, Employee Mileage & Subs, 115.31 MidAmerican Energy Company, Utilities Payments, 9298.04 Miller Fuel & Oil, Fuel & Oil, 47267.57 Mo Valley NAPA, Engineering Services, 175.86 Mo Valley NAPA, Motor Vehicle Repair, 1300.00 Mo Valley Tires LLC, Employee Mileage & Subs, 551.59 Motorola Solutions, Radio & Communications, 29123.13 Scott S Nelson, Employee Mileage & Subs, 38.52 Northern Truck Equipment, Minor MV Parts & Accessor, 497.24 Northwest Iowa Assessor's Asso, Continuing Education, 275.00 Nuts & Bolts, Engineering Services, 360.73 Office Stop, Custodial Supplies, 588.89 Office Stop, Office Supplies, 727.09 Peerless Wiping Cloth Co, Engineering Services, 231.55 Beau Peschel, Employee Group Ins, 166.66 Peterbilt of Council Bluffs, Oil & Air Filters, 385.58 Shane C Phillips, Employee Group Ins, 166.66 Thad M Pothast, Employee Mileage & Subs, 32.79 Thad M Pothast, Telephone, 10.00 Powerplan, Minor MV Parts & Accessor, 2117.51 Powerplan, Oil & Air Filters, 253.48 Prairie Valley Painting, Other, 3341.00 Provider Insights Inc, Service Contracts, 500.00 Jonah C Quick, Employee Mileage & Subs, 25.28 R & S Waste Disposal, Trash Hauling, 376.80 Ray O'Herron, Safety & Protection Suppl, 240.74 RDO Truck Center, Engineering Services, 75.20 RDO Truck Center, Minor MV Parts & Accessor, 2405.89 RDO Truck Center, Oil & Air Filters, 1209.40 Reflections Cleaning, Building Maintenance, 5362.50 Regional Water, Electric Light & Power, 64.80 Ricoh USA, Maintenance Contracts, 162.99 Ricoh USA, Office & Data Processing, 333.78 Brian Rife, Employee Group Ins, 166.66 Dana J Riza, Employee Group Ins, 166.66 Rubber Inc, Tires & Tubes, 87.98 Starla Ruffcorn, Custodial Services, 651.32 Schildberg Construction, Cover Aggregate & Sand, 86875.90 Gabe Schroeder, Building Purchase, 8840.00 Secure Shred Solutions, Trash Hauling, 290.00 Seeley Auto Service, Employee Mileage & Subs, 225.50 Seneca Companies Attn Kay Wats, Abandon Well Exp & Water, 500.00 Bradley T Sieck, Employee Group & Life Ins, 166.66 Sisson Construction, Park Land Development, 9995.00 Anthony L Smith, Employee Group & Life Ins, 166.66 Sharon K Smith, Employee Group & Life Ins, 166.66 Solutions Harris Local Governm, Data Processing Supplies, 48.00 Solutions Harris Local Governm, Office Supplies, 120.03 Staples Business Advantage, Office Supplies, 282.35 State Hygienic Lab, Abandon Well Exp & Water, 221.00 Carroll D Stephens, Full Time Laborers Salary, 3911.13 Stericycle, Service Contracts, 187.67 StopStick, Safety Items, 1054.00 Stryker Sales LLC, Safety Items, 218.18 T & S Electric, Health Supplies & Equipme, 125.00 Ten Point Construction, Asphalt & Asphalt Product, 2236.50 Thermo King Christensen, Engineering Services, 184.00 Thermo King Christensen, Minor MV Parts & Accessor, 315.09 Thermo King Christensen, Motor Vehicle Repair, 267.67 Thomson Reuters, Magazines Periodicals, 2113.18 TK Elevator Corp, Equipment Repair & Mainte, 391.24 The Toner Place, Office Equipment, 145.00 Treasurer State of Iowa, Tax & Fee Disbursement, 843.50 Dawson Tremel, Abandon Well Exp & Water, 800.00 Truck Center Companies, Minor MV Parts & Accessor, 2301.87 Truck Center Companies, Outside Repair Service, 1982.00 Ultra No Touch, Employee Mileage & Subs, 480.00 Kristine L Underwood, Recreational Supplies, 46.92 UnityPoint Clinic, Safety Items, 126.00 US Bank, Advertising, 4.32 US Bank, Conference Board, 10.36 US Bank, Continuing Education, 467.32 US Bank, Custodial Services, 10.00 US Bank, Educational & Training Se, 259.90 US Bank, Employee Mileage & Subs, 1690.50 US Bank, Environmental Ed/Awards, 104.35 US Bank, Fuel & Oil, 4298.10 US Bank, Meals & Lodging, 78.18 US Bank, Mileage, 71.51 US Bank, Misc Services, 912.96 US Bank, Miscellaneous, 68.00 US Bank, Office Equipment & Furnit, 436.99 US Bank, Office Supplies, 686.99 US Bank, Postage, 79.66 US Bank, Recreational Supplies, 106.69 US Bank, Safety & Protection Suppl, 149.90 US Bank, Safety Items, 117.46 US Bank, Sales Items, 117.99 US Bank, Service Contracts, 53.37 US Bank, Telephone, 514.16 Valley Times News, Board Proceedings, 1865.01 Valley Times News, Conference Board, 44.64 Valley Times News, Legal Notice, 545.93 Vanguard Appraisals, Computer Updates, 13800.00 Vanguard Appraisals, Miscellaneous, 1600.00 Verizon Connect Fleet USA LLC, Outside Repair Service, 963.20 Verizon Wireless, Data Processing Supplies, 225.02 Verizon Wireless, Telephone, 2365.26 Visual Edge IT, Maintenance Contracts, 32.26 Visual Edge IT, Office & Data Processing, 109.02 Visual Edge IT, Photocopy, 37.95 Visual Edge IT, Photographic Supplies, 37.95 Visual Edge IT, Service Contracts, 64.90 Michael Weis, Employee Mileage & Subs, 26.45 Michael Weis, Wearing Apparel & Uniform, 174.39 Wellmark Blue Cross & Blue, Retirement Medical Benefi, 1542.70 Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, Office & Data Processing, 121.21 Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, Office Supplies, 194.65 Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, Service Contracts, 215.08 WellSky, Service Contracts, 125.00 Ashley N West-Joons, Building, 2155.00 Ashley N West-Joons, Employee Group Ins, 166.66 Ashley N West-Joons, Office Supplies, 505.71 Ashley N West-Joons, Photocopy, 445.36 Western Iowa Wireless, Data Processing Services, 159.90 Western Iowa Wireless, Office Supplies, 124.90 Wright Express, Fuel & Oil, 3730.79 Windstream, Electric Light & Power, 726.85 Windstream, Telephone, 2148.37 Woodbine Municipal Utilities, Utilities Payments, 150.00 Woodhouse, Minor MV Parts & Accessor, 646.22 Mark R Zack, Retirement Medical Benefi, 553.27 Zep Sales & Service, Engineering Services, 490.43 Ziegler, Minor MV Parts & Accessor, 1361.51 Ziegler, Oil & Air Filters, 582.35 Ziegler, Outside Repair Service, 1502.57 1ITsource, Computer Updates, 422.00 1ITsource, Service Contracts, 439.25 911 Custom, Safety & Protection Suppl, 367.99 February 2024 Withholding GENERAL FUND FICA, 22,962.06 IPERS, 21,596.49 GENERAL SUPPLEMENT FICA, 23,354.74 IPERS, 29,592.62 LINCOLN FINANCIAL, 437.18 BC/BS, 73,751.95 HEALTH EQUITY, 8,336.72 RURAL SERVICES FICA, 1,950.06 IPERS, 2,066.40 LINCOLN FINANCIAL, 10.69 BC/BS, 2,887.93 HEALTH EQUITY, 329.85 SECONDARY ROAD FUND FICA, 21,612.90 IPERS, 23,979.48 LINCOLN FINANCIAL, 218.03 BC/BS, 49,751.33 HEALTH EQUITY, 4,291.61 REAP FICA, 85.40 IPERS, 87.80 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT FUND FICA, 4,197.12 IPERS, 4,498.19 LINCOLN FINANCIAL, 47.25 BC/BS, 8,783.02 HEALTH EQUITY, 999.99 ASSESSOR FUND FICA, 2,149.30 IPERS, 2,332.48 LINCOLN FINANCIAL, 20.25 BC/BS, 4,247.62 HEALTH EQUITY, 416.66 February 2024 Salaries Madelyn L Brunow, 3,395.86 Kimberly Clark, 25.00 Connie Ball, 25.00 Shirley Conant, 1,632.00 Christina Dickinson, 1,773.00 Jodee Dixon, 2076.93 Carol Farley, 25.00 Brittany N Freet, 2,822.40 Laura Hansen, 62.78 Teresa Harper, 1,710.00 Margie Heffernan, 1,297.92 Tammy M Hutchinson, 4,301.75 Marilyn Kepford, 25.00 Rhonda Kouma, 283.50 Kristin E Leon, 1,148.78 Hilary Moores, 25.00 Wanda Moores, 125.00 Megan Reffett, 903.42 Kimberly Reisz, 100.00 Sharon K Smith, 2,550.82 Kristine L Underwood, 803.88 Donald Rodasky, 53.40 Eugene Jacobsen, 48.04 James Andersen, 25.00 Tony Casperson, 25.00 Jeffrey Clark, 25.00 Richard Frazier, 25.00 Gary Hall, 25.00 Robert Hall, 25.00 Ryan Kastner, 25.00 Craig Kelley, 50.00 Robin McClannahan, 125.00 Kenneth McIntosh, 25.00 James Rains, 25.00 David Roden, 25.00 Paul Weber, 25.00 MVTN 3-13-24 TDR 3-14-24