City of Dunlap Meeting Minutes November 2, 2022 Mayor Knickman called the Council Workshop to order on Wednesday, November, 2022 at 7:02pm in the Council Chambers, City Hall pursuant to law with the following council members present: Gunia, Bonsall, Schauer, Casperson; absent: Kuhlman. Motion by Gunia second by Casperson to approve the agenda. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gunia second by Schauer to approve building permits for Tyler Lampe and Tony Casperson. All in favor, motion carried. Mayor Knickman opened the Budget Workshop. The job descriptions were discussed. Mayor Knickman closed the workshop. Motion by Bonsall second by Gunia to adjourn at 8:32pm. All in favor, motion carried. These minutes will be approved at the next regular council meeting. Jason Knickman, Mayor Meredith VanHouten, City Clerk TDR 11-17-22