NOTICE OF INTENT TO MODIFY A PERMIT AUTHORIZING THE USE OF WATER FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES IN HARRISON COUNTY, IOWA Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Iowa Code Chapter 455B, there is now on file with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Water Supply Engineering Section, 502 E. 9th Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50319-0034 an application as described below. The City of Dunlap, Iowa DNR Log Number 33,3811, requests a modified municipal water use permit authorizing withdrawals of water from two Boyer River alluvial wells, each about 86 feet deep, and two Boyer River Alluvial, Cretaceous wells, about 97 to 102 feet deep, located in the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ and the NW ¼ of the SE ¼ Section 3, T81N, R41W, Harrison County, Iowa, in the maximum quantity of 95 million gallons per year at a maximum rate of 300 gallons per minute throughout each year for municipal purposes within and without the permittee’s corporate limits consistent with its municipal distribution system and other provisions of law. Said modification representing the increase in yearly allocation from 70 million gallons of water per year to 95 million gallons of water per year, to accommodate increasing usage. The Department has determined that this use of water conforms to the relevant criteria (Iowa Code Chapter 455B and Iowa Administrative Code Chapter 567) and recommends the permit be granted. A copy of the summary report is available upon a request to the Department at the address listed above. Comments on the report and on this use of water must be received by JULY 17, 2024, and should be addressed “ATTN.: Water Supply Engineering Section and include the Applicant’s log number. (By Michael K. Anderson, P.E.) TDR 7-4-24