Harrison County Supervisors Meeting June 28, 2024 Chairman Tony Smith called the meeting to order with members Brian Rife and John Straight in attendance. The tentative agenda was approved on a …


Harrison County Supervisors Meeting June 28, 2024 Chairman Tony Smith called the meeting to order with members Brian Rife and John Straight in attendance. The tentative agenda was approved on a motion by Straight, second by Rife. Motion carried. Previous minutes were approved on a motion by Rife, second by Straight. Motion carried. Attendance: Auditor Susan Bonham, Dan Cohrs, Rebecca Wilkerson, Paul J. Rhoten Cash Count The Board counted cash in the Recorder’s and Treasurer’s offices. Recorder: Cash, 100.00 Deposits in Transit, 679.00 Accts Receivable, 2,152.60 TOTAL, $2,931.60 Treasurer: Cash, 1,000.00 Auto/DL, 300.00 Deposits in Transit, 28,011.48 Cash Item, 1,190.07 MMs, 12,197,541.59 TOTAL, $12,228,043.14 FY24 Appropriations WHEREAS, the appropriations for the 2023-24 fiscal year were approved by the Board of Supervisors on June 22, 2023 with budget amendments occurring on May 16, 2024 and May 30, 2024; WHEREAS, some departments have exceeded these appropriations and are in need of a Board resolution changing their appropriations; THEREFORE, the Board of Supervisors hereby approves the following changes to the appropriations be made effective immediately. Increases 01050, Jail (29), $11,500 01050, Nondepartmental (99), $22,800 01060, Auditor/Opioid (02), $10,000 01600, Juvenile Probation (61), $35 03000, Nondepartmental (99), $4,050 06000, Nondepartmental (99), $2,000 06010, Weed (24), $1,000 09030, Nondepartmental (99), $5,700 10210, Trust (68), $76,000 Decreases 01100, Attorney (04), $11,500 01100, Attorney (04), $22,800 01100, Attorney (04), $10,000 06300, Zoning (09), $35 03210, VA (21), $4,050 06300, Zoning (09), $2,000 06300, Zoning (09), $1,000 09000, Supervisors (01), $5,700 10210, Conservation (22), $76,000 Motion to approve by Rife, second by Straight. Motion carried. Conservation Payout County Conservation employee Larry Oliver is retiring June 30th and the county will pay his paid-time off benefits in the amount of $6,565.74. Motion to approve by Straight, second by Rife. Motion carried. Handwritten Warrants A handwritten warrant to US Bank in the amount of $13,748.46 was approved on a motion by Straight, second by Rife. Motion carried. A handwritten warrant to Gruett Grading in the amount of $48,723.10 was approved on a motion by Straight, second by Rife. Motion carried. A handwritten warrant to Hiway Truck Equipment in the amount of $153,661.08 was approved on a motion by Rife, second by Straight. Motion carried. Flooding Event Ema Coordinator Bonnie Castillo updated the Board on the severe weather event which started on June 21st and does include flooding. Blair gauge reached its peak at 32.15’ yesterday and was slightly down this morning. Levees are holding. Comments Chairman Smith requested placing the compensation board on the next agenda. With business of the day completed, the Board adjourned on a motion by Straight, second by Rife. Motion carried. ATTEST: Susan Bonham, Auditor Tony Smith, Chairman July 1, 2024 All three Board of Supervisor members attended the Republican convention Monday evening at the Mondamin Community Center. No discussion/action was taken by the Board. ATTEST: Susan Bonham, Auditor Tony Smith, Chairman NOTE: These minutes are as recorded by the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors and are subject to Board approval at the next regular meeting. MVTN 7-10-24 TDR 7-11-24