August 10, 2022 Mayor Knickman called the Public Hearing on determining whether a vacancy exists on the Dunlap City Council concerning the seat held by Council Member, Jeff Skarin. Wednesday, August …


August 10, 2022 Mayor Knickman called the Public Hearing on determining whether a vacancy exists on the Dunlap City Council concerning the seat held by Council Member, Jeff Skarin. Wednesday, August 10 at 6:48 pm in the Council Chambers, City Hall pursant to law with the following council members present: Gunia, Casperson, Schauer, Skarin; absent: Kuhlman. Mayor Knickman opened the Public Hearing, there were no written comments received, Mayor Knickman spoke about Jeff Skarin’s current address isn’t in Dunlap, Jeff Skarin asked why he was sworn in because he lived at that address in January. Marge Skarin question why a Council member has to live in City limits but not City Employees. Mayor Knickman closed the public hearing. Motion by Schauer second by Casperson to adjourn at 6:56pm. All in favor, motion carried. These minutes will be approved at the next regular council meeting. Jason Knickman, Mayor Meredith VanHouten, City Clerk TDR 8-18-22